Jochen Probst

I can help you!

If you are looking for an experienced JavaScript / React developer working remote or close to Stuttgart, Germany, I might be the right person for you. I am also available for consulting.

I'm an independent senior software engineer focusing on frontend development in TypeScript and React, however I also have a lot of experience with backend dev. in JavaScript (Node.js, Express) together with common standards like SQL, REST and HTTP. I have been an advocate of agile software development for a long time. In addition I'm a big fan of open source software and I contribute to open source projects.

Contact me

My experience in numbers

Programming languages

23+ years JavaScript  (since 2001)
3+ years TypeScript  (since 2021)
19 years PHP  (1999-2018)
3 years Java  (2003-2006)
2 years Visual Basic  (2001-2003)
2 years C++  (1999-2001)

Frontend frameworks

9+ years React  (since 2015)
1+ year Remix  (since 2023)
1+ year Next.js  (since 2023)
1+ year tailwindcss  (since 2023)
8+ years Redux  (since 2016)
6+ years Redux Toolkit  (since 2018)
5+ years Material UI (MUI)  (since 2019)
5+ years storybook  (since 2019)
5 years Zend Framework  (2009-2014)

Tools and libraries

IDEVisual Studio Code
Code CompletionGithub Copilot X
Issue TrackingJira
Backend FrameworkExpress
Backend RuntimeNode.js
Code FormattingPrettier
Code LintingESLint
Version Controlgit
Version Controlgithub
Version Controlgitlab
Package Managernpm
End-to-End TestingCypress
RDMS Query Builderknex.js
Code QualitySonarQube
Package Managercomposer

Companies I worked for

diconium GmbH
Consultant IT, Senior Software Engineer, Team Lead Frontend (19 years)
PBS Network
Senior Software Engineer Frontend (2 years)
Neckarwerke Stuttgart
Web Developer Intranet (1 year)
DaimlerChrysler AG
Theses (6 months)